Billy Mobile offices
The new Billy Mobile offices, designed by Turull-Sorensen Arquitectos, are located in an area close to Plaza Francesc Maçià.
They occupy an area of 700m² on the top two floors of a building intended exclusively for offices.
The project starts with the premise of creating a space capable of inspiring the people who work in it, a space where work and fun coexist without borders. It is about combining more playful spaces with more conventional work spaces; it is about working and enjoying at the same time in a symbiotic way.
This idea is in line with the spirit of the company; Billy Mobile, a mobile advertising platform, whose company culture aims to attract and retain talent, understands that it is essential that the workspace is an attractive, comfortable and functional place.
The project is structured by grouping the more conventional workspaces in areas close to the façade and recreational spaces in more central areas of the floor. Sometimes “new” workspaces appear between the desks next to the windows for informal meetings, conferences, etc.
The combination of different types of flooring and false ceilings makes the different uses within a single space more evident.
The think tank spaces, or those for general or personal storage (lockers), small meeting areas, etc., are concentrated around the existing central core. The main materials used in the interior design are wood, reed and carpet, for their warmth and comfort.
The general graphics, cladding and images have been used as a further resource for transforming the space.
The same goes for the lighting;
warm lighting is provided by means of LED meshes hung from the new false ceilings of reed, leaving the pre-existing fluorescent downlights in the background. Suspended lamps are installed in the informal meeting areas and at the work tables. The differentiation between the different ways of lighting makes it possible, on the one hand, to create a hierarchy and order in the spaces and, on the other, to avoid switching on the original lighting (which is much cooler) at most times of the year, leaving only ambient lighting in the common areas and spot lighting in the fixed workstations.
The work carried out by the architects and interior designers has sought nothing more than to create the ideal setting for working with the sensation of being at the same time in the centre of the metropolis, on the best Mediterranean beach and at the “biggest party”.
The entrance to these offices becomes a bar, meetings and conferences are held inside a ball pool, and the terrace, with a barbecue and a series of hammocks located inside and outside the pergola, is the perfect space for any activity, be it leisure or work.
It is essential to incorporate the terrace into the interior space, and to this end the flooring and cladding provide continuity so that there is no difference between inside and outside.
The sofas, armchairs, tables and any other piece of furniture chosen, as well as the lighting, are designed to be in unison with the experience of working and enjoying at the same time and in the same space.
- 2015
- Grupo Billy
- Calle Amigó 11, Barcelona
- 700m²